January 24, 2016
Here's a post inspired but Justin Jackson' Mega Maker Series. My goal is to get to all 100 or variations of all 100.
- Make something on
- Use to utilize a domain I have
- Write a blog post about xx
- Blog post about The Big Short and it's startup correlations
- A blog about using harp for blogging
- A blog about using harp for getting better at JS
- The art of flea market negotiations
- An Every Dollar review
- Blog on how to be debt free
- Sharpie art
- Email course on whatever my market is
- Split receipt app
- Scholarship site
- instagram photo
- tweet about dwight schrute
- Book Database web app
- App that sends text message with reminders of various things
- Chrome extension that allows product managers to add classes to elements / classes
- CLI for reps hosted on github and npm
- T shirt on cotton bureau of something cool
- Try to get on a podcast
- Create a clothing line (and steal a bunch of plain REI shirts)
- Post SOMETHING I made to product hunt
- The worlds best cup of coffee
- A drone video
- A picture of dexter doing something funny
- HTML Theme
- A self post on reddit
- A handwritten note to someone
- A subscription box
- A technical talk at a meetup
- A guest post
- A blog post about a conference (that is not a South By party)
- An application that sends a weekly recap of your teams games / news
- A cake
- Do a meal prep sunday and document the whole thing
- Make a stand for our apple tv / vcr
- Draw a picture
- Draw a note on the white board
- Write a dwight schrute FACT generator
- Add in an image size reducer for the front end app at work
- A sign for my new desk
- A halloween costume
- A christmas carol
- A notational velocity tutorial
- A short story
- Vegetarian soup
- Meal prep chipotle bowl that actually tastes good
- A wallet
- A journal entry
- An electronic song
- A podcast episode
- A shitty watercolor
- A funny flyer
- A spit take Vine
- A periscope video
- A medium account with a post that is funny
- Grafiti
- Paint something
- Have a joke for a stand up bit
- Apply to speak at a conference
- Make way more game of thrones references
- Web app that's a scoreboard of things
- Make a useful tool like a gradient animator csscolors
- Make a perfect golden ratio image generator
- Some kind of css fan hack
- Mailchimp signup box for two player games idea
- Dribbble post of digitized hand drawn art
- Web App that keeps score of a fill or bust game
- A codepen Codepen
- Add a list of all the random things I've made
- Update my worked on projects
- Make a list of all the startups / projects I've worked with
- A fan letter to John Feinstein
- A stop motion vine
- A node app that does CRUD
- An investment account
- A fully funded emergency fund
- Attend two college basketball games, post about it
- Attend a college football game, post about it.
- Make the perfect breakfast sandwhich
- A smoothie
- A Gist that contains code i have written
- A youtube video
- A before and after picture
- A book review
- An open sourced Harp theme
- A static site that uses Python, not Node
- A blackout poem
- A MouseRat band name generator
- Make your own Swanson Pyramid of Greatness site
- A how to teach yourself to code synopsis
- A list of how people can hire me to work
- Budgeting / frugal ideas blog post
- A t shirt
- A hat
- A useful SCSS mixin
- A spotify playlist
- A song
- A list of stuff